The Newest eBooks About Food

[Some are so new they don't even have an image cover yet]

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

YOU: Read These eBooks. YOU: Won't Be Sorry!


'YOU: Staying Young' by Michael F. Roizen. This is one of the better books that I have read and it really challenges you to think differently about your body; how each system runs, how they interact and how they can be maximized. At best this book will help you live a better, more productive life. At worst it's a very intriguing read!

'The Elements Of Cooking' by Michael Ruhlman. Many books have numerous recipes, few discuss clearly such "basics" as how to properly blanch, sauté, or braise. One person's braise may be different than another's, and the beauty of this eBook is how it describes and defines cooking terms and techniques. I would also recommend this one to anyone who spends a lot of time in front of the TV watching Food Network. Check below for the Coupon Code to receive a Discount on these two eBook Titles.

You: Staying Young: The Owner's Manual for Extending Your Warranty by Roizen, Michael F.
The body is the most fascinating machine ever created, and nobody talks about it in ways that are as illuminating and compelling as Dr. Michael Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz. Most people think of the aging of our bodies the same way we think of the aging of our cars: the older we get, the more inevitable it is that we're going to break down.
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The Elements of Cooking: Translating the Chef's Craft for Every Kitchen eBook edition by Ruhlman, Michael
Americans are on a roll in the kitchen -- we've never been better or smarter about cooking. But how does a beginning cook become good, a good cook great? Modeled on Strunk and White's The Elements of Style, The Elements of Cooking is an opinionated volume by Michael Ruhlman -- the award-winning and bestselling author of The Making of a Chef and coauthor of The French Laundry Cookbook -- that pares the essentials of good cooking into a slim, easy-to-take-anywhere book.
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Buy either of these titles this week, and recieve an extra 5% off your total purchase - so read all you want - these titles and much more await you at!
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